Air Liquide (AL) recently announced the installation of the first high-pressure hydrogen refueling station in Europe, with capacity to serve the first fleet of hydrogen long-haul trucks(LHT).
This investment reflects the AL's strategy to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen energy through large-scale projects, particularly in the heavy vehicle segment.
Located at AL’s Fos-sur-Mer site, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region in France, this large capacity hydrogen station engineered by AL [700 bar, 1,000 kg/day] will enable per day up to 20 refuelings of LHTs with low-carbon hydrogen for up to 800 km of autonomy.
The station will be commissioned early 2022 and will primarily serve the first European fleet of eight 44-tonnes low-carbon hydrogen trucks specifically designed within the project. One of these trucks will be operated by AL for its packaged gas delivery activities in the Fos-sur-Mer area.