HyGear, a specialist in on-site hydrogen generation and supply, recently has entered into a new long-term partnership with Messer in Czech Republic.
In the agreement, Messer and HyGear will jointly supply high purity hydrogen to two end-users concurrently. Global Tungsten & Powders spol. s r.o. (GTP) and OSRAM Česká republika s.r.o.. The contract is based on HyGear’s Gas-as-a-Service model.
HyGear’s Hy.GEN technology offers significant benefits in costs and environmental impact when compared to trucked hydrogen. However, combining this technology with partially trucked hydrogen by Messer, gives the overall best alternative for the end- user, as the full utilization of its capacity reduces the overall investment and allows them to meet the to comply to fluctuating demands at the same time.
“Such a solution brings highest levels of flexibility and reliability of hydrogen delivery to our customers,” stressed by Messer.